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In recent years, Shajiabang glass mold industry cluster has accelerated the pace of informationization, intelligence and technology development with the theme of group development, characteristic development and innovation development. On this basis, Seiko Mould, the president of Shajiabang Glass Mould Chamber of Commerce, integrated to form an innovative platform for Shajiabang glass mould industry. The platform covers four functional modules: glass mold exhibition hall, product inspection and testing center, china glass mold network, technology research and development and skills training base, and provides high-quality product inspection services for glass mold enterprises in the industry. Yu Wei, secretary of Changshu City, had a face-to-face exchange with Zhao Lanying, general manager of Seiko Mould, and got a detailed understanding of the development history and industrial status of Shajiabang glass mould. He stressed that it is necessary to continuously promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, accelerate the cultivation and development of new quality productive forces, promote the glass mold industry to move towards high-end, intelligent and green, continuously enhance market competitiveness, and polish the golden signboard of "china glass Mold Capital".


  • TEL:+86-512-52506575
  • FAX:+86-512-52579166
  • P.C.:215559
  • E-MAIL:jinggongmould@csjg.com
  • ADD:Shajiabang Town East, Changshu, Jiangsu, China



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