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Rcent, the company welcomed multiple foreign client delegations for an inspection visit. The purpose of this visit was to deepen mutual understanding, explore collaboration opportunities, and jointly promote business development. The company’s General Manager and relevant department heads warmly received the delegations and accompanied them during the tour and discussions.

As a leading enterprise in the glass mold industry, Precision Mold has always been committed to providing high-quality products and services to its clients. This client inspection served as a crucial opportunity to strengthen cooperation. Through on-site observation, the clients gained a more intuitive understanding of Precision Mold’s production capabilities, technological strengths, and management expertise, laying a solid foundation for future collaboration.

The delegation first visited Precision Mold’s intelligent production workshop and design R&D center, where they gained detailed insights into the production processes, quality control systems, and technological innovations. The clients expressed high recognition of Precision Mold’s leading position in intelligent manufacturing and design R&D.

This client inspection not only deepened mutual understanding but also opened up new avenues for future collaboration. Precision Mold will take this opportunity to continuously improve product and service quality, creating greater value for clients and achieving mutual benefits.


  • TEL:+86-512-52506575
  • FAX:+86-512-52579166
  • P.C.:215559
  • E-MAIL:jinggongmould@csjg.com
  • ADD:Shajiabang Town East, Changshu, Jiangsu, China



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