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Today I read the company send the serious "mentality destiny" this story, I can't be calm once in a mood for a long time, it is like in my central sea threw a piece of small stones, it arouses great waves, what I really feel, what I feel...

"Mentality destiny", then my mind is what? Style of work, I was hard at work, but this kind of tough attitude to productivity seem to have no effect, this makes me for a long time can not its solution. In the first time I read this story, I seem to want to know what, so I again serious reading the second time, third time... I seem to really feel what, because a faint smile on my face much more.

In work and life, I often encounter those things backfired, I have been trying to adjust their own state of mind, to face and accept the facts. However, I am not sensible to deal with these things, is often shout, just angry, keep up with the subordinate relationship ended up stiff, contradictions.

I want to change myself, change my past ideas, views and practices, and strive to improve the relationship between higher and lower, to be objective, fair treatment of some things happen. I want to be with a good attitude to face what happened, calm to deal with things, to accept the mistakes with tolerance, serious error changing, with a modest attitude to consult a wise man, want to pass it on without reservation to my advantage, I will be full of confidence to meet the company's development and new challenges.

Time is like the water in sponge, hard to squeeze there will always be some, but the difference is early to milk may be a lot of, to squeeze a few drops so late. And the stand or fall of attitude to deal with things, so a good state of mind may, bad state of mind that is counterproductive.

I will try to change myself, in the future, you'll see a new me!!!!!!!

Number of carved milling: Wang Taosheng


  • TEL:+86-512-52506575
  • FAX:+86-512-52579166
  • P.C.:215559
  • E-MAIL:jinggongmould@csjg.com
  • ADD:Shajiabang Town East, Changshu, Jiangsu, China



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