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2015, is a new day, New Year at the beginning, I had the opportunity to participate in the company organization management training, the theme is how to improve leadership. Idea in theory, the teacher is linked to the fact that opened three days around teaching and sharing, understand a lot, shock the heart.

Wealth, body, mind, these problems are our family concern, teachers from these problems, education we how to grasp, coordinate and manage these problems, the relationship between the to work in how to change ideas, improve their quality. Representation of a person's self-worth, is not only a person ability to reflect, also reflect from different aspects, the appreciation of the boss, colleagues recognition, own quality, interpersonal relationship, etc. Leave the value of which you are at a discount. Yes, popular, a person have ability, don't know, how in the realistic society. Become a highly respected person and dripping of grace when yongquan, thick Germany to slide!

The interaction between the shock heart is that night of Thanksgiving parents. Parents. Well, you know? Often abandon old parents nag, abandon their ideas out of step with us, who can understand we are always in their heart the long not big child, from small to large, they always want us not to be wronged detours. So they want to nag! That night we all cried, thought of as we hold the most heart of her parents, they are old, there is no desire, just hope their children can happiness. Thought of the parents themselves, all the parents poor heart!

"It doesn't matter to me, nobody taught me, I don't know, it's none of my business." As the leadership we never say these words, we should give the people around so that "all the problems are not problems, all problem is my problem", this is a kind of responsibility. This point we really should reflect upon myself.

Challenge the limits of the last day of activities, let I deeply feel the team spirit and strength, the captain of the team as the first game is about to leave, really felt like in a real battlefield, my players battle "death", at that moment, in giving up their and do 100 push-ups to revive a team before the two options, I helpless, hesitate to give up means that the defeat to throw in the towel, do 100 push-ups for me the usual five are not possible, it is harder than ascend day, I looked up at my team-mates look in the eyes... I want to go to save them, so I chose to challenge, if not complete, I will try my best to save. I didn't finish the task to a person after all, my teammates with YaoShang still help me finished the 100 push-ups, falling up, fell to climb up again, finally saved "live" their team to continue to fight, we this indomitable perseverance, endeavoring in team spirit also won in place someone touched of tears and a big round of applause. The end of the game, although we could not become the final victory of the team, but we have try my best, leave no regret. After the match I deeply bowed to his team-mates, thank them, is they gave me strength, gave me courage to challenge, is the power of the team, the spirit of team let me know what difficulties do not give up.

Touched for three days, three days of shocks, will affect my future life!


  • TEL:+86-512-52506575
  • FAX:+86-512-52579166
  • P.C.:215559
  • E-MAIL:jinggongmould@csjg.com
  • ADD:Shajiabang Town East, Changshu, Jiangsu, China



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